From the President

Welcome to the 70th season of Port Huron Town Hall. I am truly blessed to be a part of an organization that has brought such talent, entertainment and education to the Blue Water community.  I am honored to serve as the President for Port Huron Town Hall over the next two years. The Board is made up of many women who give a lot of time and energy and in turn,create a wonderful experience for all those who attend our speaker’s series. This all volunteerboard work together like a well-oiled machine, learning lessons from those who have come before us.

It is thanks to your continued support and patronage that Port Huron Town Hall is able to bring these programs and lectures to our community. We appreciate you buying season tickets as well as those of you who purchase individual and group performance tickets.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for entrusting us to bring you quality programsand being a part of Port Huron Town Hall. We appreciate your continued participation and interest in the Port Huron Town Hall Speaker’s Series.  As always, we hope you enjoy this season!!

Judy Redmond
Port Huron Town Hall

About The Port Huron Town Hall

Port Huron Town Hall, a non-profit corporation, was founded in 1955 to offer the community a rich cultural and entertainment experience. Town Hall has presented over 325 exceptional programs throughout the years. One Town Hall member says, “Once you come to one presentation, you are hooked!”

Sherry Archibald
Jorja Baldwin
Barb Belanger
JoAnn Brooks
Stephanie Campbell
Terry Campbell
Marian Doss
Colleen Everitt
Jamie Lawrence
Patty Lawrence
Erin MacNeill
Amy May
Julie Napolitan
Tammy Teeple
Jennifer Ward